If I could have three wishes The first would be for bigger arms The second would be for bigger arms And the third for a bigger chest I would use my newly acquired body parts For nothing else other than to help you sleep I would reach out and grab you from Any of the corners of this earth That keep you awake I would hold you close to My bigger chest so you had room To move around on it like a pillow And with my arms I would wrap around you completely Making myself the world’s first human blanket And I would tell you just as sweetly as I could That it would have been pointless to simply wish for A pillow, a blanket, a whole bed Just for you to rest your head Because within my own body I also have A radio One that can play you the various beatings of my heart A set of lungs Full of air that will blow on you more gently than any fan And I have a memory that knows you better Than the memory foam between sheets and mattress I wouldn’t wish you a bed to rest your head I’d wish to be your bed, to know I am the thing that rests your head.