I miss everyone. I miss my mum, my dad, my grandma, their home cooked food, all my four siblings, my bed, my soft toys, my hamster. I miss disturbing my siblings whenever I felt sad because I'm a sadist, miss eating in front of my laptop instead of having to make small talk with strangers over dinner, miss the comfort of my family, miss the luxury of just being able to hug my knees in the snug silence. I miss my home, my real home..
I miss my other home too, where home was once where ever he was. But that home shut me out when the weather was icy cold and sleet was pelting at me, slicing me up from the inside. I tried so hard to pick open the lock, to ram open the door, tried peeking through the windows for that someone to let me in, tried looking for the spare key; But no matter how much I tried, I couldn't get back in. And I think I won't ever be able to feel the fireplace's warmth on my skin while lying on the intricate, rich soft carpets in that particular house again. I miss it so much.