sometimes I miss the past, and places that I never even knew I miss central New York in the 1950's it doesn't matter to me that I'mΒ an English girl born in the 90's
I miss the person that I was yesterday, and the day before that I always feel so self-critical in the present, so worried I miss when I wasn't, even though I know that I always have been
I miss stargazing with you, but that didn't happen either only in my mind that creates infinities of realities that will never exist
I miss that time that you told me with such arrogance never talk to me again, I am more than you will ever be this did happen, I didn't make this up I only miss it because that's the last time you spoke to me. How sick and delusional must I be to feel that way?
is it that sickness that leads my mind astray into weary fantasies that I can never be? I don't know any more. I miss New York in the 50's.