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Jan 2014
Standing on top of this wooden old bridge..
I spit my gum down below to the clear slow moving water..
It was about 4 feet deep..
My gum hit and created a ripple..
As the gum sank a gigantic catfish moved from the shadows and swallowed it!!!
He swam back under the bridge and I never saw him again that day..
The following week I arrive at the bridge again and threw some bread into the slow moving stream..
Again the huge jumbo catfish ate and swam back under the bridge..
For months I fed this big catfish..
I return one day and find a note on the bridge..
It said (THANK YOU signed ThE cAtFiSh WOODBRIDGE..)
I threw down some food but no catfish..
His name is Woodbridge..
Written by
Solaces  South Texas
(South Texas)   
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