As we approach the stop sign, And your road lane begins to disappear, The sadness washes all around us I pull at strings to bring you on my path, You fall still while a smile widens.
A tear falls, the realisation finally reality. We have no gauge to bring forth certainty To when your last life grain falls Down upon the many lessons learnt in your hour glass. It has been glorious years spent, Rebelling and repelling social norms of our lives, Drinking wisdoms out of library glasses And camping mischief around bridges we built.
Your lives clock is ticking it's last heart beats, But I'll find you in every life I meet.
You've learnt, you've grown, you've seen, you've lived and you've loved. Keep loving. Always love, who ever you are And where ever you end up.
I hope this isn't taken the wrong way or too sad. This is also for all those held dear in each of my lives.