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Jan 2014
I am    
color blind, my kind
number in the millions  
yet nobody has made a secret
language to sign to us, to ensure
we don’t miss the rich laughter
of the living
no filter, no prism
has been divined to bend light  
to our pleasing,
no lens to hug
the eye, to make the gray rose red,  
the black sea blue, or imbue a sunset
with more than mocking,
shocking streaks of white
before the hapless night
I do not  know what
I am missing, for blood,
when spilled, is but store bought paint,
and how would I get the blues
if hues are emissaries
of another world  
one where hearts bleed red  
with songs for the dead  
I am color blind, my kind
number in the millions  
who will never see
Still working my way back from writer's block
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