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Jan 2014
The awakening of an empire
ruthless and almighty
The coming of a king
Whose heart is condemned with evil
and the selfishness of his ways
knows no boundary.

The land that is cared most by the people
is leeched by the dictator
The energy of the youth
is harnessed for prosperity
and there is no hope there
than a miniscule of humanity.

A hero rises from the valley
to whom that he seek
The tyrant of the kingdom
who is infamous in many degree
to **** him is a must
so that justice will be upholded
and so that peace will return
to the valley of the forgotten

For the ne'er-do-well, he knows
For his sorcerers had prophecise
that one day a vivid light
will destroy the darkness that thrives
So he had gather up the best of his men
to strike terror to the hearts of millions
in hopes that maybe
they will finally get rid of them.

So a battle had burst out
between good and evil
one fights for rightiousness
and one fights for corruption
in the end one shall stand
and one shall fall
but to the despair of everyone
lives will be drawn

No sacrifice, no glory
That's how the saying goes
as the war is finally over
the king did not show
for he had flee to somewhere else
T'is a lesson to all
That surely, when there is a great rise
There must be a mighty fall
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