"Hello" Poetry
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David Bojay
Jan 2014
A Bit Off
it’s really hard to up heave the way i feel at times
people try to cheer the environment with unsophisticated actions
you’d have to probe me to actually feel what “feelings” really are
see life is a ******* big gamble
you either risk it all to live a great life or a ****** life
then you have teen love, with the same view points and bam another what the ****
another story to tell your friends
most girls i know have neophyte like if they don’t know what to do
then they say **** when emotions kick in that’s incoherent
when love hits it’s hard to stay away, i’d rather ponder
when a door shuts be an opportunist to win things over and find the key
that’s like giving up and trying something new and ******* at it
i’ll stick to learning every instrument in an orchestra so i can make my own concerto
and i will, I’ve been waiting for 5 years to start the composing
and i am a genius, notes are colors, music is art
if Picasso would’ve been a musical genius the music would turn into colors, the sistine chapel would be a nice orchestral piece
so many what if’s in the world
like if 20 years past, and they made another bible, would i be in it?
cause i’m destined to be somebody, it’s a promise
people take insults in a very ***** way
you choose what to be offended by in other words
a girl gets called a ***** and cries
so somebody can call me a musical genius and cry
it’s really the way you take it up the ***
in some occasions words really are stronger than actions
can love get old?
does true love really wait?
understanding is vital to me, but taking time out of your day to read and examine my writing is even better to me
cause then people appreciate your intelligence and admire you in a way they can’t see
and all the moments that are bad all conclude and remind me of a small *******
publish thoughts draw music make art creativity is everywhere find it
it is now 2014, I wrote this 17 months ago and I'm suicidal
Written by
David Bojay
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