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Jan 2014
Broken words, broken hearts
Bones shatter like glass
Blood is spilled on paper
All it does is tell us who you are
Or what they have done to you.

The knife in your hand writes a story
All over your skin.
If we look closely, it answers questions
Questions link your past together.

What was your father like?
When did your friend die?
Did your uncle touch you?

Your answer to every question is
"I don't remember"
"It's not important."
"I don't know."

If we looked closely enough,
We would see the truth.
We would see that
Your yearning for control
Is seeping through your sweat soaked pores
Is secreted from the dry blood on your wrists
Is flooding from your tear stained eyes.

This is all you have
And you pray to God it's enough
To keep you alive.
Jordan Frances
Written by
Jordan Frances
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