On one very still night. In the midst of midwinter, At the ending of one of those thaws. It seemed as if all the wee people Crept throughout the land, Artistically spreading a white flocking Inches deep on everything. As dawn displayed this magic to the world, Even those that hated winter, Could see the beauty spread upon the land. But beauty, being ever so fleeting Should be enjoyed while one can. For upon the first breath of wind Moving an upper branch of a tree. Shifting the ever so light snow Till it slipped onto the next branch, Collecting more of itself as it tumbled, Growing into a micro avalanche, Enough hitting the snow covered ground With a muffled thump Loud enough to startle a small dog by the trunk. Leaving the tree standing naked against the sky And winter shivering in ones sight. Dan Gray January 19, 2014
Don't know if I've had a bad case of writers block or just way to much running through my head .... hopefully this is the break in the dam no matter what the cause.