Always chasing happiness Seldom to stick around Summer--it's too hot Winter--it's too cold Childhood--it's too long Adulthood--it's too short and hectic My aching brain can go in feverish circles Longing, trying to find if happiness really exists Or it just gives up in complacent surrender Growing numb with doubt that it ever was real After all, I belong to a society That thinks we are forever entitled to happiness Every minute of every day
But happiness isn't over there somewhere Nor is it this or that thing that can be gone tomorrow Too often becoming what really did not make us happy anyhow Surely, happiness was never designed to heed all our demands Never to be controlled or schemed No, happiness is a journey of the soul The ability to receive and to give love and kindness It's discovery when you think you have nothing else to learn It's letting go of the stones to throw Not an easy road, for sure...but worth it It's discovering what you can do verses what you cannot It's connecting to a sloppy, messy world And not expecting its perfection in order to live in it It's the Divine touch beyond your limited comprehension It's connecting and reconnecting with yourself And being at peace with the being that you are