These are all the things I can never tell you Because I have the worst timing And I’m way too late And honestly you’re better off without me Life with me is not easy Life with me is like being trapped on a tiny boat in the middle of the ocean In a thunderstorm All crashing and thrashing and tidal waves I exist at the extremes Skipping all grey area And dragging everyone under with me You are better off on dry land
I will never tell you any of this Because I don’t want you to be tempted to jump in after me I don’t want you to drown But I am self-indulgent So I will tell it to strangers I will shout to a room of unfamiliar faces That I can’t stop thinking about you …******* it I cannot stop thinking about you And how I made so many stupid decisions And how it’s my own **** fault that you drifted away Because I wanted you to move on And the moment you did I became a shipwrecked idiot With nothing to show for my efforts but a sunburn and a head full of delusions
How did I even get here?
I know I should let it go Abandon all thoughts of rescue and come up with Plan C But still, I can’t stop thinking about you And I wish you would jump in after me