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Jan 2014
They keep talking
As I try so hard to
be considerate    

I'm looking at you
But honestly I'm not
L i s t e n i n g

            What are you saying              
Why the **** am I here
You're ******* lame
And The sound of
your voice
is echoing in my brain  
It's torture
like the sound of

fingernails slowly scratching a chalkboard  

I'm not better I'm lame too
And I'm being mean right now
I'm  heartless right now  
And I kinda hate you too
But it probably doesn't matter
Right now nothing really matters

Cause I'm messed up inside
I don't know how this happened

I wish I was more alive    
But my disintrest in
most things I'm trying to hide
Is now peaking outside

I wish I could listen
Maybe if I fake it well enough
I might be able to fit in

But I'm a prisoner of my own prison  

I don't know how real I can be

I don't know what will ever intrest me

I don't know if I'll ever fall inlove  

I don't know if I'll ever

lina S
Written by
lina S
   ---, Dag J and ---
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