Oh, mostly all of us grew up saying our dad could whop your day. It never went further than us saying the words. Nothing like this modern generation. Where parents think it must lead to confrontation?
Parents of old acted on wisdom. Cause a child of theirs stated a conflict. Most parents wanted to look into it. Cause stories, aren't always the same.
Then our teachers wasn't trying to prey. Mostly likely they was asking you to pray.
Kids of thugs and various drug dealers aren't all bad. But you best believe two parents works together to control the rules. Wasn't either one was going to be manipulated.
Nothing like this modern generation. Where parents young wants to be their friend? While we aware that they was our parents first.
And first name basis wasn't to be used. Unless you was introducing them to your friends. We knew our limitation.
Looking, at most young parents today. Many are letting the child control many things. We wasn't going to get all the toys we wished for. More likely heard, we should be grateful or thankful.
Drugs, recreation wasn't controlling our parents thoughts. Not to say, they was complete perfect. But we knew, what was expected? And excuses wouldn't do. Not , if you got kicked out of school for fighting. Or disrespecting the teacher.
Even, if the adult was completely wrong. They taught you to come to them with this conflict. And they would look into it. To solve it.
Kids, today faces similar things. Except probably more of them have parents locked away. And some are raised by their grandparents. Who in away brings them some foundation?
Yes, many modern kids, are facing a sad situation.