I read a digital sign today, it went something like this.. "Some mistakes are too ****** cool to make only once"
To which my head replied... 'or twice for that matter'.
I don't understand myself when everything goes my way but I carry a big ten inch snit...
This morning I found a silver ring and an empty bottle of FIREBALL Cinnamon Whisky.
I have never drank the stuff but it sounds as bad as White Shark, a hanged over in a glass vessel.
What a way to start the day, day two on the way to breaking the cigarette habit.. I have to on the count of they're killing me.. But I love my smoke. Thank you God for the e-cigarette.. I love love, love you, oh thank you Lord!
And the puff-puff-pass doesn't help, I have to buy stock in Halls Cough Drops, I use them so much I've had to take a second mortgage out on the house that I will never own.
Anyway, the lady's gone to bed and I have music floatin' in my head.. was ****** most of the day but you can't keep a good man down.