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Jan 2014
Friendships change like the flows of a river
consuming elegant banks

Some last a lifetime.

Some fly past in five minutes
In a moment of panicky crisis
Or a glimpse at what might have,
if you had just grabbed.

friendships are never what you expect.

Most expect too much
some expect very little.

Friendships can be silent for years,
then come alive with the cacophony of a Blue whale breaching
mid Atlantic,
where only the swallows cast an ear

Other friendships crumble like the chimneys
and the coal mines of a long gone age.
Leaving only rubble and shrapnel to sift through.
In a bomb site of broken friends.

Sifting you acquire a filthy broken dolls head

It reminds you of a childhood
when futures were eternal
and friends were too.
Written by
Rukowski  Glasgow
   ---, ---, mvbm, Weeping willow, Timothy and 2 others
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