I came in like a child. You didn't notice me as I threw colored markers towards your desk. You smiled, pulled down your glasses slightly and said, "Whoever you are, do know that I am licensed to ****." And I couldn't help but giggle and pop out from behind the door. He smiled and I walked over to him, slightly touching the things on his desk, and just asking how he was, to which he said he was "terrible". I asked why but then I realized how busy he seemed so I said, "I am so sorry, you seem busy. I'll come by later." And as I walked away he stopped me and said, "Rach, you aren't doing anything wrong. I just... I have a lot of work to get done and having you around is wonderful, but I tend to get... distracted. Do come by later though, Alright?" And I smiled and said of course.
I left, not sure of how to feel. I didn't expect to get into a big conversation or anything, but I just kind of... Missed him.
Maybe the feeling is right... maybe it is wrong. But, what am I even feeling?