I use to think I was the One and only Solitary wolf on my Lonely journey into hell and
I would stay up all night wondering. Why I had to be the one and only. But I was foolish and one soon Became a few.
And over the years and After crying puddles of tears A few slowly morphed into many. And as that many grew
Into several, it became Way more than just a few. Now I stand with an ocean of faces Of old and young.
Faces so new and fragile to The harsh earth, and faces Who know what its like to Be broken down into so many pieces
That they truly believe that razor Blades, pieces of hot metal, Hair pulling and nail biting and Hitting your head on a brick wall are
Solutions to the pain. The pain we harbor and hold so dearly To our fragile hearts. Because without pain and loneliness
How do you live? After years Of pain and self inflicted torture How do you live a normal life? How do you walk around like those
Years never happened to you? I am starting to learn that You just don't. You live and breathe And you don't forget the past, oh no.
You just let the wounds scab over, Like the cuts that used to fester, And you learn to live again. You can't go back and erase the past,
Believe me, I've tried! But you learn That just because you're a little Scratched up, doesn't mean someone Won't see you're beauty.
So let the wounds heal over And yes, go back and trace the scars with Your fingers. Because that's not all of who You are anymore. It's just a small part