A child will only remember when you left. When you let them all alone by themselves. When they only saw sadness upon their mom/dad face. And words you say then won't replace that image they seen.
Yes, you'll give reasons of various kind. Some legit and some they just won't buy. A child will only remember when you left.
The hurt. The anger that they will express. Might not be justify to you. Except, it things they been waiting to tell you.
The days and weeks and months too. When they notice upon that one parent face just stress. Stress you contributed too.
Where would they live? Or even find food. What would happen to either one of them? Remember, a child only remember when you left.
When through the good will of unknown blessings. Things turn for the better in their lives. Don't be upset when years later you come to apologize.
And all you see is anger with your child's eyes.
Then again, they just might forgive you. Just remember, a child will always remember when you left.
Leaving them along requesting for help. And now that they have succeeded against the odds. Remember to thank GOD, they have a forgiving heart.