Some ladies in marriage know it's a no win relationship. That in your man's eyes you are love. But never like the admiration of love for his mother.
Writers and counselors writes books. Saying you should place your wife first. Which several men does. But many ladies know. When it comes to his mother. She's still number one.
Common sense and book sense sometimes don't mix. Just put men in a group and sit back and listen only. And pay close attention.
The the first lady they know. The first lady they love. The first one to listen to them. A closeness within their heart not to be broken.
And it has been stated and said: To judge a man treatment of his woman. Judge it upon ways he treat his mother.
And many treat them wonderful.
She's his comfort source. When things goes wrong at home. But one that know to avoid marital problems.
To this son, she's his queen. And his spouse first lady to the throne. Who will inherit the true title of Queen? Only after his mother has moved on.