Ill simply sleep.. There is where I will burn it down.. Perhaps fire can bring some form of color here.. But as I walk into this empty grey room I see him.. He is me.. The anti me.. We look eachother in the eyes and flow into one another.. He smiles and uses his finger to write into the air.. His finger uses some form of ink made of light.. This is what he wrote..
So.. You are the very artifact that started this all.. You Have the same color eyes as me.. YoU HaD To tAkE it Past what the soul could take.. You juSt couldn't leaVe iT alonE.. UnDeRSTAND thAt all Things are nOT meant TO always go forward BuT you seem relentless in makinG it so.. go BacK and NeveR return.. YoUr creating A shift ThAT i WILL NOT bE ABLE TO FIx..