embers drew to a shaded face, fragmented lips wept; storms, feral and unabated, loitering in the combe of fires. the ethereal visions of honey amber lights, faint and narrow; ebony of my pupils dead, alike of shriveled meadow.
violence thrusted into yellow mouths of daffodils, like tapestries like yarns of blue saccharine sorrows. brimming with viscid liquids of blackeries and vains, like silver mackerels, sleeping out of the abyss, on a train; like subtle, maladroit shorthands and dewy black inks, who lilts the fawnish plateaus and quaint alleys.
the depths of my shallow sleeps, glowing under the burnt foliage, mellifluous sonatas gently play; strawberries occur under bare walls of throat, vanish on the morrow, like a dallianceβ so frantic and hollow.