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Dec 2013
be here this year
turn off cell phone

be still
be active
be in love
be truthful
be just

free a prisoner
walk for peace
find a friend
be a friend
mentor a child
be a child
take a hike
ride a bike
revel in nature
smell the coffee
grow some flowers
start a garden
honor God
read a book
write a poem
paint a picture
click a photo
say a prayer
maintain silence
hold your peace
speak truth to power
sheath a sword
brandish a pen
unload a gun
shame the arrogant
practice peace
dance joyously
sing gleefully
speak softly
love largely
climb the mountain
linger in the valley
dip toe in water
tip toe through tulips
pet a dog
feed a cat
protect a child
visit the aged
listen to someone
open your ears
hear someone
lift your eyes
see someone
go fishing
feed someone
conduct a search
find someone
watch the moon
bless the stars
write a book
start a business
make some money
lose some weight
drive courteously
cook a meal
feed the hungry
open your home
house the homeless
swim the sea
sail a boat
get some sleep
stay awake

be kind
be useful
be diligent
be vigilant
be reverent
be genuine
be helpful
be present
be grateful
be still

Vaya con Dios
Have a Present Day!
Happy New Year

Music Selection:
Flight of the Bumble Bee

James Bradley McCallum
Written by
James Bradley McCallum  M/New Jersey
(M/New Jersey)   
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