What will happen to me? I can not breathe, I am not productive, And I usually say that I don't want to live anymore.
What did it mean to you? When I said you were the reason I lived? When I told you I was committed? When I told you I loved you more than anything on Earth?
Why was I not enough? I made mistakes, but my hand was forced... People placed thoughts in my head... I grew them and blew everything up
Just like my love for you blew up Just like now how I feel okay talking to you (because it comes naturally) But when you talk about her I just want to die?
What will happen to me? Will more pills will help let me pretend I don't have this problem? Swallowing extra extra extra doses of pain killers for the wrong kind of pain?
I have lots to look forward to, but Remember those times when I said you made the rest of the world disappear? It works in the opposite too...
Earlier I wanted to die again While 4 hours ago I felt fine to hang out with you. Until I get to see how someone else has taken my place in what I used to be to you.