many of us consider black to be a color, black is actually defined as the absence of color, hence, Darkness is a place which is the absence of the FATHER's Light." - Peter R Farley - Where Were You Before The Tree Of Life - The True History of The Darkness and The Light
It is close to being headless, to be without a father
and how and where do we investigate who or what the responsible force is?...
It is simply a recurring method, divide and rule
Here in the matrix you have black, brown, white and yellow races
in some places not made famous you have orange and red and blue races
So what is colour? The texture of light perhaps
So then, what is black?
Nothing, void. So then how does one refer to a whole race as nothing?
it's really simple, where there is nothing there has to be something
so the something is revered and valued as significant
and what about the nothing? Well the nothing will be made to serve the something But was is not from the void that worlds were created? From thought, now thought an important factor for the nothing would be denigrated to such an extent as to not be able to think so from this comes an inferior race and a supercilious race Not to blame the supercilious race for it too was manipulated into having high esteem - so where are the parents?
You find a black and a white wrestling unconcious of the fact that they could consciously be cousins In simple terms, if we are all Light then we stem from the same tree however with polarization or dualty find we lower degree and this state imprisons us to hate one another for one reason or the other
And it is within memory that black and white races have been fighting for millenia With this, both races would boast a pride and a willingness to defend one's culture at all costs But then as children when do we grow and gather the gods in one room to hear their views and differences? When will we rise above demographics to save the human race? and beyond other races being exploited throughout the galaxies What would we learn if these members of Councils and Houses were gathered in one room? Would we learn that this universe is not perfect? But then what is perfection? Hyperthetically, an idea of supremacy and completeness which sets the standards that all things and people should conform to... That is, as far as the powersΒ Β define
It is a responsibility to search within our hearts for what is true and eternal It is a choice we make to be continually affected by the sicknesses of society It is a voluntary action to uplift the houses that govern however sincere and well-meaning they may appear however promises are never kept and human beings taken for granted It is a soul's obligation to yearn for its liberty such that we too, as Ascended Masters, can graduate and become Renaissance Man.