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Dec 2013
My morning has been filled(thus far) with going about my busy life,
spending time with kids, answering questions only mom's can.
Spent a moment or two reflecting upon the swiftly fading year; and,
realizing I've no regrets, looking forward to coming year and more.

Thankful for my children growing up strong and well adjusted,
thankful they are great students who work hard to make the grade.
Grateful to have male friends who know hi means hi and that's it,
never assume my kindness means, "Hey there! Wanna you know what?"

I have some items on my walls that are meant to inspire or motivate;
favorite quotes: "Great Spirit, grant that I may not criticize my neighbor",
"Never sweat the small stuff, in the end it's all small stuff", when people
are negative, I like coco's,  "I don't care what you think about me!" quote.

Most recent knee treatments give hope that I'll be walking without pain;
if that should happen, Great! If not, what did I lose, had to try something.
Miss wearing my little red dress and that **** gold with fringe number,
I have hopes I'll be that very tiny size and proudly wear both dresses again.  

Extremely happy I have non judgmental friends with accepting hearts.
Am I content being alone? YES! I don't need a man to complete me.
I'm highly content to post poetry on Hellopoetry only occasionally,
I'm happy to be the musefulspirit posting, own thoughts, on blog spot.

Happy New Year 2014 to one and all!

Betty Ponder
Written by
Betty Ponder
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