I don't find your curve(s) beautiful as it falls short of feminine, breast and hip bring forth lust like a tray of holiday cookies, helpful internet sayings are fatty ***-deurves you devour them, greedy mouths pointed teeth digging in to every bit of it because why work hard when you can talk loud? Why go for a jog when you can misquote Marilyn? Why choose the salad when the big mac's just as beautiful?
It's not I do not envy gluttony, I do not envy sloth, I do not lust for them.
double zero may not be attractive but throwing a 2 in front of it is fatty-icing on the cake, so talk about "oppression" while you scoff down more than Ebo and his family have had in a week, starvation and desperation dancing intertwined tip-toeing around his house, he wakes up one morning to his sons tears because all he's had is a slice of bread while you decide to treat yourself to an ice cream ***' you didn't supersize today
You can call me an *******, let molten words flick from your tongue, lace'm with lava and let them fly but at the end of the day you only have yourself to blame
This is oh so very rough at the moment, probably gonna refine it over the next week as I just did this because I couldn't sleep. I get this is a pretty mean piece but I'm actually pretty reasonable about this, although I do think "Fat Acceptance" is pants on head *******. Feel free to be mad in the comments about it - Him