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Dec 2013
From Americas rocky mountains to Himalayan snow capped peaks
These are things of natures that all of us should keep

Australias barren outback, Englands green and pleasant hills
Nature free for all mankind who seek her gentle thrills

From the Amazons tropic forest to arctic cold grey wastes
Each a place of beauty when travelled at natures pace

The azure blue seas of the pacific isles, cruel dark seas of the southern cape
Placed there by natures hand to be respected without hate

Dusty brown plumage of the desert vulture, bright birds of paradise
Birds of every colour, birds of  every size

Scorpions of the desert sands and grey atlantic seals
All there for a reason as only nature can reveal

Think about the lion, African king of beasts
The soft eyed Chinese panda that our children find so cute

Mountain tops and hidden valleys, vast lakes and rolling seas
All placed there by nature but not to be abused

Animals reptiles birds put here for you and me
They should be studied in the wild. NOT KEPT INSIDE A ZOO

We can't alter history or repair the damage that we've caused
But we can stop the mass destruction of a world that's mine and yours
Joe Cole
Written by
Joe Cole  Horsham Sussex
(Horsham Sussex)   
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