Pass on Select the time and contemplate the goals My golden Goddess, my Queen The sanctimonious moments of life Those you live for
An intrinsic grove confiding in the glistening sun
Lovers strolling down the dirt paths **** without shame
It is natural here; joy and laughter fill the air
Our brains elevated with naivety and innocence
Ambient sounds and kind voices are all we hear
Select the hymn from the long, long ago The moment is here “Be free” they chant Under the sun In the shade of a cryptic tree
Ship out here again to the grove Roam through the cool pastures Join us As we dance to the overture
Dark eyed underlings Hissing impulsively Madhouse notions enter the man’s cranium
We are gathered at this junction for this vigorous cross breeding Of the immense love and the prolific lust we have for life And extend an olive branch to those with a dim acceptance of death
Bent on devouring mortality Floundering to pump out a miracle On a spree of existence Cruising behind tinted intentions Melodies crumble sheepishly
Ah, divine originator of life Allow us immortality To escape our awful fates And plan a mutiny against Charon
We beg for silk and satin intimacy
Evil wicked sorcerers of the soul are refused iconic eternal life Gentle menders of the spirit may bask in the glorious groves of timelessness