Where do the years go ? They just go by so fast, nothing seems to last.
High School, the best years of your life it seems and after that they just fly by in what seems like a flash. When you are young you don't look back because you have no past.
You go to War a boy and come home a man and everything has changed. You are not the same and you never will be.
You wake up one day, you have kids and can't believe they are grown, you wonder how did it happen so fast. Now you have a past and want what is happening to last.
Nothing lasts you soon discover, except the love that you have carried with you for your parents and others.
Your parents fade away, a loss you never thought you would have to face. You try to put it out of your mind at all costs, but when the time comes you just carry on knowing it was a necessary loss.
Grandkids appear and you realize that you are old and wonder why you were never told that it would be like this.
You can't stop the years or the flow of tears as the years come at you so fast, and then you realize that it is the same for everybody, nothing lasts.
You look around and see that everybody has gotten older, your kids have kids and you are a grandfather.
You can't help but wonder, how did the years get by you so fast, then you remember what your mom said, "nothing lasts". Jon York