after years of hurt,
and my attempt to help you,
could someone else come along and save you,
in just a couple of months.
I was scared,
that once you were made better,
you would perhaps want me,
but no longer need me.
I was just going to be,
an added bonus in life,
I wasn't going to be,
'worth living for.'
So here I am,
do you care for me,
as much as I care for you?
I'm confused.
Are you actually better?
how come you seem to have less issue,
with being away form me,
but I'm sick and tired without you?
I also wonder,
weather you'll come back to me,
having become,
A new animal of nightmare.
A foul creature,
of smoke,
and ink.
with a burning temper,
and a tail of sin,
is that what I would wait,
three years to see.
Is my future,
A holiday from me?
It seems you would willingly go,
without a thought.
However I would,
throw away useless goals,
just so I could spend time,
gazing at the wonder of you.