i wish to touch the bits of you that endure my dirt. i wish more than ever the shape of your face in the curve of my long and twisted fingers. there's something about it that make my hands okay to look at again. like they may have a found a fitful purpose, caressing the demon mouth that kisses my angel teeth, residing underneath my loved lips that send trips to your words. they encase your bright eyes and devour the confidence left in them. but what i meant to say was, i see your bright eyes showing fight to the fence that you build so high. i can see the lies shine like a light was tied , just for me to breach them. just so i could teach them, you are one to beat them. even though its you who seeds them.
emitting the aroma of tainted goodness and its all okay because of the eutony of this all. these words can break my fall. if i make the call, and summon the space, my soul will come and take the place of the weak face i can no longer sonder, anymore in the background of your filled up recognitions.
there's no space for my sad face. there's no place for my heart ache.
sent into solivagance.
this is a dark red redamancy, one of a curse. the birth of our breakage started at the first touch of a sacred unto a scarred soul. and she cried finding nothing but an empty black hole, in return. forever churned in a lustuous magnetism. a love prison.
its something that buries itself beneath all the logic in my heart, creeping from underneath my sins. its some kind of wonder, beckoning the birth rights of every death in my future.
[ it's some kind of mutual case of kalopsia. ]
Of all the questions that beg my being, why do my fingers still only look straight when they're resting on your rigid face ?