sleep is a date with death. it's a time when your body is present but your conscious is not. but are you really alive without being conscious? in sleep your consciousness goes on a journey taking Death by the hand and accompanying him to the most majestic of ballrooms and into the eyes of terrifying storms, to the highest of mountains and the deepest of the oceans' chasms, to the most distant of memories and the depths of what you had forgotten, to your most prideful of accomplishments and the greatest of all of your fears, to the brightest of hopes and aspirations and the most vacant corners of darkness. he shows you what this world has to offer anything and everything each journey to be an experience your body may not have the chance to live. yet every time you arouse from sleep you awaken with nothing but haze blurred images being all that your body can comprehend in comparison to what journeys your mind can traverse. as you age, your body becomes rickety and wrinkled barely able to hold back such a bursting mind. this is the time when your mind does not want to confine itself to a body any longer it wants to experience more than what this world has to offer, for in the hours awake within the body combined with every date with Death every memory has been made every child has been born every tear has been shed every moment as a human, in body and mind, has been experienced. your mind is not weak nor weary, rather, it thrives within a clear container and all that Death has yet to show you visible in the distance. once your body can hold you back no longer, it sets you free, sets your mind free. that is when Death greets you just as a peaceful lover would come dawn and just as affectionately he would accompany your mind to everything else there is beyond being human, being conscious.