Have you seen what hides in shadows, so very very dark. What is scratching away at the lies. Leaving but a mere mark. A flash of light in darkness lies.
What there lurks. Illuminated only by the stroke of solo firefly. Maybe just a speck of sparkle. Lighting just one minute spot Wants to dance a minuet but, dances all alone.
In advance of dancing goes to play. Within fields of corrupted virgins. Who only want their wicked way.
A lovely witch. Entombed below the freezing heart of winter moon. Where winter roses dare not go. For there will be no more tomorrows. In pain of all ex-virgins sorrows.
Upon a shelf was left such love. Dropped in an acid bath. To melt. Watch it fizz. The poor heart. Love lurks in last years shroud. That's what hides in the shadows dark. (C) Livvi x