The car glides through the night, The gentle roll between rubber and tarmac Just inches beneath my feet, Backseat dreaming, And as each lamp post casts its amber Gaze upon me through the fogged up window, I begin to wonder how they stand there, Through darkness, Wind, Rain, Scorching heat, Bitter cold, And yet they still shine bright, Throwing a luminescent sublimity For hundreds of wandering souls To find their way home, To trace the tarmac veins of the city Until they are nestled in the brick red hearts of their homes, And I sit here, a freight train of abnormally large Thoughts passing through my fatigued and stretched mind Whilst I am drifting under these street lights, When I could be curled up in bed, Sleeping through blissful dreams or stormy nightmares, Eyes closed until another dawn spills over the horizon, But then it occurred to me,