The 11th of December 2013 that date is today, Something about the sequence made me ponder away; What could be the meaning of the numerical order? So I seek answer read threads and find answers through google.
So it is the final sequential event for another 90 years... So lets celebrate maybe get married and burst out with happy tears; It's just numbers now really, in sequence every 90 years, what's the big deal? It's just another event a human mind creates to talk and believe to offer life a thrill.
So whatever this day means we just live our life like we used to and forget all worries, For hope never a day fades with faith and will like a fortress, life is a one big numerical series, Every day is like a test, a survival, a wonder that everyone walks through since the day we born That each day is crypted with trials ready to overcome and decode, a gift to be unwrap and to be torn...