I barely know you But you feel mine, It might be because I'm tired, because I'm stressed. I just want someone, something feasible.
I want our one handshake to be extended to a hug, I want something more from you but I can't ask it of you.
Pretend that we have been more than just brief acquaintance, know that the potential for more is not something I just made up in my mind.
I want to open up to you. I want you to know what a messy life I've lived. likewise I don't want you to know anything to see me as an enigma to be figured out to keep you curious in me because at the end of the day I'm rather plain. I want to hide my missteps because I might not meet your expectations.
All of this is my wants... maybe I should just hear out yours. If the stars align your wants will be mine and mine yours. But I don't see you today and not today it will happen. So I go back into my stress stricken world, adding you to my worry.