I want you to take as long as you need to decide what you really really want. I want you to make your decisions without pressure from me . I want you to know there's no need to starve yourself back to a size zero. You are special and always the right size to me and I love you unconditionally. I will love you to my dying day and I've never cared what others thought of me. I know you know that but I wanted the one who wrote a nasty poem to know. Not a poet and know it and know what's in your pure and unprejudiced heart. You are sweetest and the most interesting and fun lady I've ever met and you still are the only one I want to read to, have snowball fights with and sit by a warm fire to to stop the chills, spend endless hours talking to, the one with the gorgeous smile that brightens my day, the one who I love seeing walking in without an appointment, the one I always put calls on hold for, the one who's voice makes my heart race when I always answer your calls, the one with the musical laugh that I can't get enough of. You are the one I want to be in my life even if we are just friends. You gorgeous one are worth waiting for and growing old waiting for. All I want for Christmas is your happiness now and forever Betty Ponder. Never ever forget this, you are the only one I'd eat tofu with and for AND you are the only one I will ever call a beautiful storm that blew me away.