I cannot fully explain to you How perplexing it is To be a 22 year old adult But to still have the fear Usually reserved for a young child The fear of the dark And not in a way that one is afraid of death Or lions or tigers or bears Oh my, my fear is much more irrational You see I find I have bravery in real things I’ve rock climbed mountains Ridden roller coaters Held a poisonous snake by the tale You get why that’s braver right? But what makes the hair on the back of my neck stand What makes my skin pucker into tiny little bumps Are monsters born of my own imagination You see my imagination is wicked And I use that word both ways In the slang sense that it is awesome and powerful And in the literal sense that is it evil That when I imagine a monster I give it ten hands with 20 fingers each ending with teeth And eyes so black they sink into the monsters head Making them look like empty sockets So deep, they touch his brain I am forever afraid I’ll be honest with you I sleep with all the lights on And my closet doors wide open So I could see exactly what is going on in there I years ago threw out my bed skirt Convinced they cloaked crooked Teeth crawling critters capable of decapitation And were all considerable stronger than myself As you can imagine I have a lot of nightlights Mobile ones I use to walk to the bathroom with in the middle of the night I have to buy so many batteries The clerk at Walmart can only reasonably assume I have deviant private life Because grown *** adults shouldn’t be that scared of the dark Because at some point during or after childhood I won’t assume it happens at the same time for everybody Your imagination takes a backseat to logic And you understand that monsters aren’t real But death is and maybe that’s a better fear to have That didn’t happen with me though and I think most artists If they were to be completely honest with you would tell you It didn’t happen to them either they missed a step In the development milestone department Though I think they would tell you too like I’m about to tell you now The fear is worth it there hasn’t been a single monster I’ve imagined that hasn’t had an equal Beautiful thought and I can see them better with all the lights on.