And I did it. I got an abortion. I laid down that night and felt My soft stomach. Yesterday night, Cells were multiplying And they were becoming Those little fingers and toes. But I had to. The women there were very supportive. It's MY life. MY choice. MY baby. But I'm going to miss The feeling of love. I turn around and lay on my side, So I can't hold my lower belly. That baby was my baby. Now.... It isn't. It's gone. It's dead. Was it even alive? Did it have an heartbeat? It soon would have. And now I will never give birth to it, Never hold it in my arms. I can't watch them take their first step, Or see their first smile or Hear their first laugh or word. I can't hold it when they cry, Or pick out presents for their birthdays. I'll never know that baby's Personality, I'll never be able to tuck it in at night And sing it to sleep. I can't check for monsters under their bed, Or send them off to their First day of school. I can't see them at their last day. I can't see them at their wedding. Or hold their children. Or bicker over wine with them. No, those tiny little cells Were mine. And my future. And I took it away. Now I'm **** sobbing, Wishing of what could be.