her magical mind sets sparkles to wing and the hard words are softened in their respective faces by the touch of her silken favours as she weaves me through her ideals with craftsmen's knowledgeable hand adept at the use of her wares but even knowing this i cave in because within my own demon of futility sitting on his pile of rust manufacturing great and small mouse traps of the mind throws me into the confusions of trying to recapture that heady love affair that torrid romance so filled with such fulfilling joys i thought it could never end but it did and now my heart has revealed that it has secretly grieved for the loss of her delicate body next to mine that my fool heart has wept for the loss of her looking up into my eyes and sweetly softly whispering i love you her magical mind has won again and we make love i am enraptured of her beautiful details of her in notion of her in concept of her in every way conceived as she breezes in on her comfortable conversation fascinated by all the aspects of her faster beautys her velvet smile cannot be dimminshed it gives a soul warmth that is deeper than the sensual it breaths me and when shes exhales me i am sated