"If you find someone who turns your pain into poetry, don't let them go."
We sat under some stars the other night, Shared a smoke and some ****** wine You played me original melodies, Those of which I felt were about me Me, myself and the sick things I've inflicted on such a lovely broken heart
I can honestly say I've never wanted someone in this way I can honestly say I've never felt this type of burning sensation when someone leaves my way
You're the most comfortable thing I've ever found, the most terrifying I can look at you and know your heart is an ocean cove just like mine The pull will never cease
I often have a reoccurring dream, You're this hideous sea creature with deep eyes that gleam The woman I was with thought you were trying to drown our boat in the crazy cove we were in Your look tore me at the seams, I pushed her off and we walked on land as one.