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Dec 2013
I've had a few best friends, but none such as this.
I moved up north this year on a whim hoping for renewal.
And a chance at Christmas.
That was Summer.
Now, it is Novem"brrr",
and I have been in this apartment for awhile.
Myself, my roommates: Jesse Sam & Kyle.

Last night; a fight!! one i NEVER thought would happen.
a drunken brawl for over 1/2 an hour
Each one trying to gain power
over the other.
Afterwards, tears were shed, hands were shaken,
places were taken and a pipe was passed.
and upon waking up, each realized their ultimate mistake.
Never shall this happen again for anybody's sake.
Cam Stoker
Written by
Cam Stoker  United States
(United States)   
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