Whether it's scientifically proven or not, I know it to be true; the best cure for a hangover is more *****.
A noise woke me up. Stumbling through the empty house I struggled to find it. It was odd, seemingly everywhere I went it got louder and louder; this thumping, pulsing, rapturous noise. Giving up, I reached for the half full bottle (the deciding factor to a bottle being half full or half empty is not the attitude of the drinker but theΒ contents contained in said bottle) of *****, took a swig, chased it with orange juice, took a swig, chased it with orange juice, etc., etc., etc., and so I began this day as I had ended the last one.
In a glorious and raging state of mind I stumbled... (no, I've already used that) ... I fell down the stairs and watched the sun as it climbed and climbed and I'm not sure how long I lay sprawled on the wet November grass but I know how long I thought of you, and I know how long I've been thinking of you and I've been thinking of you for days.