once upon a time there lived four queens one she had a ***** she just love to dig the other she liked diamonds and love to wear a wig one she had her clubs to fight her foe away then the queen of hearts who could melt your heart away they lived in a castle each one had a throne they lived in seperate rooms each one lived alone oneday they got together all adventure bound looking for some treasure that was never found they sailed off to an island where the treasure just might be to a desert a island far across the sea then they found a cross marked out on the floor could this be treasure they were looking for the queen of spades was digging with her trusty ***** until it got really deep and a great big hole was made there they found a treaure chest with a great big lock the queen of clubs she opened it with a great big knock then lid flew open and the queen of diamonds saw lots of little diamonds hundreds maybe more the queen of hearts was happy with her heart so glad and vey very pleased with the adventure they all had