a baggage to carry, a sadness to hide the disgrace to people hides in agony and strives.
in that box of sunlight, she dwells and she cries as her future was not as bright as it was.
the door she came in was full of regret and remorse she wants her life the same as it was before.
"you shot me so hard and you stopped the pain in my heart. I drowned the pills as I fled out of life."
and now she was gone and no one seemed to notice and she guessed this is life, this life of faded ashes is nothing worth surviving because it's just filled with broken glasses.
Wrote this in between classes. I just wanted to let out my emotions by writing poetry. School and the people in it are such imbeciles and because of them, for the past few weeks I've been getting more attached to poetry and I've been writing these kind of things. Oh, how I wish things change and all of this would end already.