Poor courage, break down pleasantly. Feed the nameless with siren calls. Feed them all! Their hungry bellies can have myth. Feed them all splinters of health in your absence. Be a doll and let them feast. Behold! You're tragic after all.
After all drips have fallen from the auto-feeder, believing so much in -- no! Run right back to mother hope, covered in wire. Metal bones frame our warm lit home. Covered in wire.
Stares hurt too much to remedy. Breathe the pain in your oxygen. Breathe to mend old bite marks on which critters gnaw. Breathe to mend! But breathe instead, poison cutting coughs. Begin orbit, notice your throat bleed. Behold! Your answer to their call:
Silence. Retreat.
Whisper frustration into bedsheets like a lover, feel the warmth you radiate imitate another, to take reward in the title "savior", to be reborn in your listlessly pulsing head, and sing your solo song, song, song, Reborn, born, born in leery echoes.