Why can't you look at me that way.. where the rest of the world just stops the way where your lips just curve up a bit to see me
Day dream days, nothing seems real or substantial just haze, cars on the highways I'll say nothing so as not to string myself along I'll mean nothing to anyone so as not to matter when I'm gone
Internal torment, brief tornadoes of emotion fragments of thought and memory what if I was somewhere else
all I ever wanted was to belong somewhere right there are no right places for me no arms that can hold without becoming prisons
No soul I can love without being burned by
Outstretched hand, fingers like broken glass cut free what I want to keep by holding it closer and slice then into me instead
Is it too much to ask for, to hope for.. my dreams impossible harbors they seem so simple in the space between sleep and waking
At the picnic table the sunshine makes everything perfectly warm solar powered lit from within I just want to be held, and I am its real in the moment but not when I open my eyes
I'm just cold, and you haven't called. You are never going to show up at my door and ask for me..