I was convinced that the memories of my past had to be the stepping stones, better yet still, the foundation for how my life was destined to be.
It seemed I was never able to see the light, it became nearly impossible to consider the idea that perhaps fate had her own intentions for me .
I hid my eyes behind false smiles, fighting to contain the sensations of doubt undulating deep within , those which sent shivers down my spine.
Locked in this terribly viscous cycle, a perpetual downward spiral, from which I was in dire need of breaking , in order to save myself, Such a familiar line.
I had reached a point in my existence where I wanted nothing more than to completely desensitize, impeding all emotion from reaching my soul, as if that some how would set me free.
Slowly I began to realize that if I allowed myself to succumb to the numbness , I then sacrifice something far more precious, for feeling this passion along with the pain is part of what made me, me.