Everything is getting so bad. I am getting so bad. It really is and I really am. I have no motovation. I just can't do anything. I binge and I purge. I'm using a cold blade to make myself burn with scars. Again. There is no home for me. I sleep all day. I've missed a dangerous amount of classes. I need a job. I have yet to process Major things that are happening. **** has been continuously hitting the fan For seven years and I just can't make it stop And I can't catch a breath, And the flashbacks are awful. I just wrecked my thighs. I don't want to burden anybody. I know all I do is complain. But it is literally me screaming for help. And no one is helping me. I'm up to my neck in my own mental disorders. I'm drowning. I really ******* am. I walk around late night hope I'll get killed, I stare at 163 sleeping pills every night. I'm all late night binging and purging. This is the ******* life. I carry a toothbrush in my purse And tell people I'm just obsessed with my tooth health. I smoke to hide the smell of *****. I'm drowning. I'm desperate. I'm drowning. Why are strangers offering more help Than the people in real life that I'm begging. I'm an adult now. It's no longer the fault Of the people who raised me. I have waited for this day to come. The day where all of the sudden The blame shifts to you. I'm still drowning. I'm dying. I'm drowning. I know I should stop cryjng for help And just get it myself. But I used up all my strength I really did. And I will be perfectly fine With just dying. I really would be. I'm drowning anyway. Might as well make it literal.